May 29, 2022
Begin with the End in Mind
Series: (All)
Begin with the End in Mind Often we find ourselves between one thing and another but may lose touch with our final purpose or goal. Focusing on the next best thing, we risk losing meaning and direction. Focusing on the current worst thing, we risk getting stuck in our grief. As you hear the scriptures read today, think about what God may be inviting us to do differently and how he is there to make it happen.
  • May 29, 2022Begin with the End in Mind
    May 29, 2022
    Begin with the End in Mind
    Series: (All)
    Begin with the End in Mind Often we find ourselves between one thing and another but may lose touch with our final purpose or goal. Focusing on the next best thing, we risk losing meaning and direction. Focusing on the current worst thing, we risk getting stuck in our grief. As you hear the scriptures read today, think about what God may be inviting us to do differently and how he is there to make it happen.
  • May 22, 2022Dealing with Doubt
    May 22, 2022
    Dealing with Doubt
    Series: (All)
    Everyone has doubts. Just as we struggle with our own doubts, we are called to engage others as they struggle through theirs.  It is part of our Christian witness and testimony not to disregard or disparage the doubts of others, but rather to share faithful and thoughtful responses to their doubts. This, after all, is what Jesus did.
  • May 15, 2022Seeing the Risen Lord: Getting the Big Picture
    May 15, 2022
    Seeing the Risen Lord: Getting the Big Picture
    Series: (All)
    As we prepare to welcome a new pastor to RBTS, it is good to remember how God helps us to new directions and renewed purpose.  We celebrate resurrection power in our personal lives and our life together.  We ask ourselves, “How is God preparing and inviting me to change?”
  • May 8, 2022Life with the Shepherd
    May 8, 2022
    Life with the Shepherd
    Series: (All)
    Text: John 10:22-30 AS WE GATHER: Today is the fourth Sunday of Easter and the joy of the Resurrection continues to bless our worship. Today is also known as Good Shepherd Sunday and we are reminded that Jesus cares for his people like a shepherd cares for his flock. Today is also a day to celebrate our Mothers.
  • May 1, 2022How to Find Peace
    May 1, 2022
    How to Find Peace
    Series: (All)

    "How to Find Peace" - Philippians 4 AS WE GATHER: In the first lesson today we hear about the conversion of the Apostle Paul who went from being someone who was out to destroy the Christian community to one who brought the "Peace of Christ" to them. Paul writes in the Epistle lesson about the "Peace that passes all understanding." In the Gospel lesson Jesus tells us that the way to peace is through Him because "He is the Way and the Truth and the Life." We will learn how to find that peace in the Message today.

  • Apr 24, 2022A Message of Peace
    Apr 24, 2022
    A Message of Peace
    Series: (All)
    A Message of Peace The celebration of Easter continues in our worship today. The Gospel reading tells of the excitement and challenges of that first week, while the reading from Acts tells of how quickly the message of Jesus’ resurrection spread after Pentecost through the message of the apostles. With Easter joy comes God’s promise of peace through the challenges of our life.
  • Apr 17, 2022Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life
    Apr 17, 2022
    Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life
    Series: (All)
    EASTER SUNDAY Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life To the dead man, Jesus was life. To the prostitute, He was a second chance. To the searching, He was the long-awaited answer. This Easter, discover what it means when Jesus says, "I Am the Resurrection and the Life.”
  • Feb 27, 2022The Transfigured Christ Changes Our Lives!
    Feb 27, 2022
    The Transfigured Christ Changes Our Lives!
    Series: (All)
    The Transfigured Christ Changes Our Lives! The Transfiguration event on the church calendar was appropriately placed three days before Ash Wednesday, thus revealing that Christ would display His glory on earth just before He would begin the pain and suffering of His Lenten experience for our sins. Likewise, may we today fully appreciate the miracle of the Transfiguration and all that it entails, including the miraculous appearance of Moses and Elijah, as we too begin to prepare our hearts for our Lenten journey with Christ, our Savior.
  • Jan 16, 2022“It Begins with a Party”
    Jan 16, 2022
    “It Begins with a Party”
    Series: (All)
    "It Begins with a Party" As we leave Christmas, we begin to see Jesus gathering his disciples and teaching them who he really is. His first miracle introduces his divine power by changing water into wine. This seemingly insignificant act has great implications for his ministry. Sermon text: John 2: 1-11
  • Jan 9, 2022Passing Through the Waters
    Jan 9, 2022
    Passing Through the Waters
    Series: (All)
    "Passing Through the Waters" The importance of Holy Baptism cannot be overstated for the Lutheran Church today. Yet for many individuals thinking about becoming Lutheran, baptism is a stumbling block. How can we put our faith in a rite, much less mere water? How can water do such things? As Luther himself said, it is not just water, but the word of God in and with the water does these things, along with the faith which trusts this word of God in the water. Today’s sermon will explore the wonderful gift of Holy Baptism for the Lutheran Church today!
  • Jan 2, 2022Jesus’ Divine Work at a Young Age!
    Jan 2, 2022
    Jesus’ Divine Work at a Young Age!
    Series: (All)
    “Jesus’ Divine Work at a Young Age!” (Luke 2:49) Our Gospel lesson for this morning follows an approximate 10-12 year period of silence in the Gospels regarding the life of Jesus. After the birth narrative and the eventual visit of the wise men, nothing more is heard about Christ’s life until the age of 12, detailed for us today in Luke 2. What happened during those intervening years? Only the Holy Spirit knows; but His godly wisdom in dictating the Bible is shown through His choice of divinely chosen revelations in Jesus’ life, all for our spiritual edification.
  • Dec 26, 2021The Redeemer is Here
    Dec 26, 2021
    The Redeemer is Here
    Series: (All)
    The Redeemer is Here
  • Nov 24, 2021Thanksgiving Essentials
    Nov 24, 2021
    Thanksgiving Essentials
    Series: (All)
    Thanksgiving Essentials.
    Thanksgiving Day is a special day. As a national holiday it is different from all others. On it, we do not celebrate a great victory in battle. Nor do we honor a great person. It is a day when we thank God for the blessings we, as a nation, enjoy. In the Old Testament, Moses instructed the people of Israel to, “praise the LORD your God for the good land he has given you.” How might we thank and praise God? What are the Essentials of Thanksgiving?
  • Oct 17, 2021“The Riches of Christ”
    Oct 17, 2021
    “The Riches of Christ”
    Series: (All)
    “The Riches of Christ” Wealth is an obsession in our culture today. But what is actually being lauded as valuable in our culture may not be so. On the other hand, those things which are devalued in our culture today may have great worth in the LORD’s eyes. Today we hear an encounter between a well-meaning tycoon and our Lord Jesus, which embodies nothing less than a collision between false wealth and true wealth. May the Lord bless you with His innumerable riches of grace, mercy, forgiveness, and eternal life through your worship with us today! Sermon Text: Mark 10:31
  • Oct 10, 2021If I Were a Rich Man
    Oct 10, 2021
    If I Were a Rich Man
    Series: (All)
    - There are many stories about getting what we wish from a magic lamp or genie-like character. Do you know what your three wishes would be? How about just one? What would be the best Christmas gift ever? Today we want to think and pray just a bit about our desires and their fulfillment. Does God really care about your needs?