Stewardship Minute 1/9/2020


From Sunday’s Bulletin written by Pastor Augie:             

     “Have you ever felt like some-thing’s missing? Are you longing for a

     clearer sense of purpose in your life?  You were created for significance…”

     Are you using your gifts (Time and Talent) to their full potential?”

Have you had an epiphany – your ah-ha Moment?  When you realized that being a ‘servant’ of Christ gives you peace and the feeling of being needed.  How you grow in your faith and you become an active member of our Redeemer By the Sea family.
I was asked to read the Psalms on Sunday because they had nobody to read! We need Readers!  I was nervous to do this but, I was asked, and I knew I would be serving Christ.  We need to put our  fears aside.  Our fears are self-imposed! We think we can’t do something so, we don’t do it.  When forced, we realize, oh, that wasn’t so bad! 
Of course, I’m not going to force anyone, but would you please think about offering your ‘Time and Talent” and “serve” at Redeemer by the Sea.

We need people in many areas.

Mark your calendar for February 9th – Volunteer Appreciation Day. We will have tables set up outside the church for you to meet the leaders of the various groups.  Please stop by and get some information on the groups that might interest you. 

Thank you for supporting Redeemer by The Sea with your Time and Talent.

Stewardship Chairperson

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