Encouraging Stewards Through Stories

In the midst of this very difficult time, great stories of stewardship have arisen.  Individuals and congregations have stepped up in supporting their neighbors because the Lord has placed them in the community to serve.   Such as the work the Evangelism team has been doing, providing meals to the Police Dept., Fire Dept., Senior community, etc.  Please continue to support the Evangelism team. 

Neighbors and business owners have made internet access available to families that are struggling to meet the challenge of virtual learning.  There have been people who have become even more generous toward their local congregation, the district mission or the work of the Synod simply because they are aware of the great need to be a light for the Gospel in this time of lingering darkness and despair.

Individual stewards can be creative in the ways in which they share the gifts that have been entrusted to them.  This creativity is really the mark of a faithful steward – assessing what the Lord has given in trust to them and asking how these trusts can be used for the benefit of the neighbor and the glory of God.

Open up to the great joys of serving as stewards in the much smaller settings of family, neighborhood and congregation.  These are just as much stewardship of the Gospel as is writing the check or making the online contribution.

Noreen E. Wenstone

Stewardship Chairperson

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