May 5, 2013
CSI: Examining the Evidence of Creation – 5. Telling What Happened
Series: CSI Creation
csi pic 7 (2)The Bible is clear that only those who will enjoy eternity with the Father are the ones who receive His Son Jesus. He’s the way, the Truth, and the life – and no one comes to the Father except through Him. The theory of evolution has for decades been causing people to deny the truth of the Bible, and their need for a Savior. Without being argumentative, how can we proclaim the Gospel and the reason for the hope that we have? How can we
defend our faith in Jesus and the objective Truth of the Bible?
  • May 5, 2013CSI: Examining the Evidence of Creation – 5. Telling What Happened
    May 5, 2013
    CSI: Examining the Evidence of Creation – 5. Telling What Happened
    Series: CSI Creation
    csi pic 7 (2)The Bible is clear that only those who will enjoy eternity with the Father are the ones who receive His Son Jesus. He’s the way, the Truth, and the life – and no one comes to the Father except through Him. The theory of evolution has for decades been causing people to deny the truth of the Bible, and their need for a Savior. Without being argumentative, how can we proclaim the Gospel and the reason for the hope that we have? How can we
    defend our faith in Jesus and the objective Truth of the Bible?
  • Apr 28, 2013CSI: Examining the Evidence of Creation – 4. Analyzing the Data
    Apr 28, 2013
    CSI: Examining the Evidence of Creation – 4. Analyzing the Data
    Series: CSI Creation
    csi pic 7 (2)Evidence is just data. What’s important is how one interprets the data. A company’s financial ledger, for example, is just data. A negative bottom line may mean that the company is a bad investment or it may be a good investment – depending on what you believe to be true about that company and their business practices. Similarly, the beauty and complexity of life is a fact. Whether it points to haphazard naturalistic processes or the grand design of a magnificent God depends on how one interprets the data. Today we will compare some different interpretations of the same data. It
    is ours to decide what it implies.
  • Apr 21, 2013CSI: Examining the Evidence of Creation – 3. Interrogating the Witness
    Apr 21, 2013
    CSI: Examining the Evidence of Creation – 3. Interrogating the Witness
    Series: CSI Creation
    csi pic 7 (2)In any kind of trial, various witnesses and pieces of evidence are brought before the judge and/or jury. Their testimony is considered and weighed in light of all the known and verifiable facts. Some evidence is considered circumstantial – meaning that what it indicates is not necessarily relevant in the investigation. The best kind of testimony, however, comes from eye-witnesses - those who actually saw the event in question. Their testimony is further strengthened if there are other witnesses who saw the same things. In some cases, the credibility of a witness is brought into question. Can they be trusted? In regards to witnesses proposing to tell an account of creation, we ask the questions: what or who are the witnesses? Were they really present at the scene? And can their testimony
    be trusted?
  • Apr 14, 2013CSI: Examining the Evidence of Creation – 2. Establishing the Timeline
    Apr 14, 2013
    CSI: Examining the Evidence of Creation – 2. Establishing the Timeline
    Series: CSI Creation
    csi pic 7 (2)Often we are led to believe that the universe is tens of billions of years old. Why is it important for the theory of evolution that the world be so old? Why would it be necessary for humans to inhabit the planet for hundreds of thousands of years? But what does God say about the timeline of His creation? Is it really at odds with what we see when studying the universe, or is it rather a clash of worldviews and assumptions? And if humans did evolve slowly over a very long period of time, doesn’t that
    violate what Scripture says about Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden?
  • Apr 7, 2013CSI: Examining the Evidence of Creation – 1. Securing the Scene
    Apr 7, 2013
    CSI: Examining the Evidence of Creation – 1. Securing the Scene
    Series: CSI Creation
    csi pic 7 (2)The Bible is the looking-glass through which people can correctly view the world. Though not a science book, Scripture does portray the history of the universe. How the accounts of God’s creation, when death first corrupted God’s perfect creation, and the global flood are taken by people today – as either historical fact or mythical accounts – will greatly influence whether they put their faith and trust in the Bible as the authoritative word of God. The foundation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Bible. If the Bible cannot be trusted, then the truth and hope the
    Bible proclaims is in vain.