Sep 6, 2015
Rebuilding the Walls
GodisSpeakingDSOur story today opens nearly 60 years after Zerubbabel led 43,000 exiles carrying temple treasures, gold and silver back to Judah to rebuild the temple, and 15 years after Esther saved the Jews. As at all times in history, some people had hearts fully set on God, and some didn’t – including, and even, those Jews who returned to Jerusalem. So God sent three people with very different gifts to help and strengthen those in the Persian province of Judah who wanted to know Him. Ezra taught, Nehemiah built, and Malachi exhorted. In all cases, God responded.
  • Sep 6, 2015Rebuilding the Walls
    Sep 6, 2015
    Rebuilding the Walls
    GodisSpeakingDSOur story today opens nearly 60 years after Zerubbabel led 43,000 exiles carrying temple treasures, gold and silver back to Judah to rebuild the temple, and 15 years after Esther saved the Jews. As at all times in history, some people had hearts fully set on God, and some didn’t – including, and even, those Jews who returned to Jerusalem. So God sent three people with very different gifts to help and strengthen those in the Persian province of Judah who wanted to know Him. Ezra taught, Nehemiah built, and Malachi exhorted. In all cases, God responded.
  • Aug 30, 2015The Queen of Beauty and Courage
    Aug 30, 2015
    The Queen of Beauty and Courage
    GodisSpeakingDSIn Las Vegas you can roll “lucky sevens,” or you can also lose it all. You can win a massive windfall or experience colossal disaster. It all seems like coincidence, just the roll of the dice. In the Book of Esther, it seems like the destiny of the Jews is subject to the roll of the dice. But we discover that even though His name is not mentioned in the whole Book of Esther, God is working behind the scenes to fulfill His grand, saving purpose. Knowing this, we can take heart believing that even when God seems distant, unconcerned, or even absent in our lives, He is still at work. God is always working!
  • Aug 23, 2015The Return Home
    Aug 23, 2015
    The Return Home
    GodisSpeakingDSDo you know the feeling of getting back home after an extended time away – either for work or vacation, it doesn’t matter - the feeling is the same! It is so good to get back to your comfortable surroundings with familiar things. Even the not-so-nice things like loose doorknobs, squeaky stairs and weeds in the garden comfort you. The Bible tells of a number of “homecomings.” The prodigal son, the adulterous woman, and the people of Israel know this feeling of coming back home. So do we. Today in The Story, we see the people of Israel are invited back to their home in the Promise Land by God. When they get there, they see the nice things of home, but they also see a not-so-nice thing: There is no temple in Jerusalem. Their exile isn’t over yet. No homecoming is complete without the presence of God.
  • Aug 16, 2015Daniel in Exile
    Aug 16, 2015
    Daniel in Exile
    GodisSpeakingDSEarlier in the Old Testament, we read about Joseph, one of Jacob’s twelve sons who was sold into slavery (by his own brothers!) and became a prisoner in a foreign land. Far from home, with no one he knew that would see or critique him, Joseph led a life of staggering integrity. Fast forward to Daniel and three other young men from Judah who have been exiled in the capital city of their sworn enemies and captors. They were in a place where “no one was looking.” They could compromise and cut corners and no one would ever know … except God. Our culture invites and encourages us to compromise too, but like Daniel living in exile, we live by a higher authority.
  • Aug 9, 2015The Kingdoms’ Fall
    Aug 9, 2015
    The Kingdoms’ Fall
    GodisSpeakingDSHas God ever asked you to do something you didn’t want to do? He sure did this to the prophet Jeremiah. He told him to stand in the rubble of Jerusalem and weep. This was hard for him to do, not only because it represented the fall of the capital city of God’s chosen people and the temple of God, but because the people still refused to listen to him! Hard and stubborn hearts often know no other way. Sound familiar in our day? Yet in this we learn something else about our God. He still has the power to give an abundance of undeserved grace and mercy, even after The Kingdoms' Fall…
  • Aug 2, 2015The Beginning of the End
    Aug 2, 2015
    The Beginning of the End
    GodisSpeakingDSWhat if the U.S.A. had kings instead of presidents? Some suggest that George Washington was asked to be a kind of “king” of America following the Revolutionary War. He, however, rejected the offer following a popular sentiment and motto among colonists, “No king but King Jesus.” God’s people in Israel should have had a motto like that: “No king but King God.” They however, wanted human kings – who got the nation into a heap of trouble. The nation split into two smaller, weaker nations, and during the time of the divided kingdom there were 38 kings in all. All but a handful of those kings were wicked and did evil in the sight of the Lord. They failed to lead their subjects to honor the One True God, and because of it the nation suffered.
  • Jul 26, 2015God’s Messengers
    Jul 26, 2015
    God’s Messengers
    GodisSpeakingDSWe pick up The Story in chapter 15 or the Book of 2 Kings. Because the Bible is arranged topically and not chronologically, many people will enter “the black hole” of their Bibles at this point. The Old Testament books are arranged as history, poetry and prophecy. It’s at this point that the story seems to get jumbled up and further confused by the division of God’s people into two kingdoms—10 tribes called Israel in the north and two tribes in the south called Judah. We will see that this divided Kingdom leads to much unfaithfulness in the land. God sends messengers – the prophets, but they are ignored. God's people continue to disobey. Despite this tension, God, as He always does, remains active and faithful.