Jun 18, 2017
I’m Kind of a Big Deal
Series: Liar Liar
It is tempting to define ourselves by our accolades and achievements rather than by Christ’s achievement for us on the cross. On Father’s Day, we take a moment to remind men – and women – that they are valued and precious not because of what they do and accomplish, but because of who they are – baptized children of God.
- Jun 18, 2017I’m Kind of a Big DealJun 18, 2017I’m Kind of a Big DealSeries: Liar LiarIt is tempting to define ourselves by our accolades and achievements rather than by Christ’s achievement for us on the cross. On Father’s Day, we take a moment to remind men – and women – that they are valued and precious not because of what they do and accomplish, but because of who they are – baptized children of God.
- Jun 11, 2017It Won’t Hurt a BitJun 11, 2017It Won’t Hurt a BitSeries: Liar LiarWhen confronted with and caught in a sin, you’ve probably heard someone try to justify his or her actions by saying, “I wasn’t hurting anyone!” In Joshua 7, we are introduced to the biblical concept of “corporate sin.” Achan sinned, but all Israel was held responsible. Thus, there is no such thing as a strictly private sin. This is why we ought to flee sin and, when we do sin, confess and receive absolution. For our sins not only hurt us, they hurt those about whom we care the most.
- Jun 4, 2017We are Living in a Material WorldJun 4, 2017We are Living in a Material WorldSeries: Liar LiarFar too often, we get so caught up in the things of today that we forget about the eternal things of God. This world is more than what we see and the possessions that we have. This is why Paul warns against loving material things like money and, instead, striving toward eternal things such as righteousness, godliness, faith, and love. These are things that will last – not only in this world, but in the next.
- May 21, 2017All You Need is LoveMay 21, 2017All You Need is LoveSeries: Liar LiarGod sent his Son, the innocent Lamb, to be the sacrifice for our sins. Through his suffering and death we have the gifts of forgiveness and eternal life. Jesus paid the price of our salvation and by his wounds we are healed
- May 14, 2017All Roads Lead to RomeMay 14, 2017All Roads Lead to RomeSeries: Liar LiarOur culture is mired in relativism. Many people believe that it doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you believe something. They believe all roads lead to God. Jesus, however, is clear: only He leads us and brings us to God. In today’s message, we discuss how to begin a conversation about the exclusivity of the gospel in a world full of relativism.
- Apr 30, 2017You Only Live OnceApr 30, 2017You Only Live OnceSeries: Liar LiarYou’ve probably heard it before: “YOLO.” “You only live once.” This is what the religious leaders desperately wanted to be true about Jesus. But no matter how much they tried to cover His resurrection with their lies, their efforts proved futile. On Easter Sunday, we celebrated the truth that Jesus’ resurrection means our resurrection. Today we continue to celebrate that and the truth that we will live more than once. We will live forever.
- Apr 16, 2017Standing in VictoryApr 16, 2017Standing in VictorySeries: Standing at the CrossThis morning we celebrate a victory! Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God slain for our sins, has risen from the dead. Through faith in his name we have forgiveness and eternal life. Because he has risen, we too will rise. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
- Apr 14, 2017Standing in ForgivenessApr 14, 2017Standing in ForgivenessSeries: Standing at the CrossToday is Good Friday, the day on which we remember our Lord’s death on the cross. Watching him die, Jesus’ enemies mocked him and said, “Save yourself!” Jesus did not save himself. He died to save his enemies, and he died to save us. He suffered and died for the sins of the world. This sad day is a day that is for us very good.
- Apr 13, 2017Standing in FaithApr 13, 2017Standing in FaithSeries: Standing at the CrossToday we remember Jesus’ celebration of the Passover with his disciples, his prayer in Gethsemane and his betrayal and arrest. We are one body in Christ, and as we partake of his holy meal we remember and proclaim his redeeming death until he comes again. Come, Lord Jesus.
- Apr 9, 2017Standing in HumilityApr 9, 2017Standing in HumilitySeries: Standing at the CrossThe crowds on Palm Sunday welcomed Jesus, waving palm branches and shouting, “Hosanna!” That word means “Save us now!” and soon Jesus would do just that. Today we welcome our Savior and celebrate the salvation he won for us through his death and resurrection. From our humble King we learn to live in humility towards one another.
- Mar 26, 2017Standing Through PersecutionMar 26, 2017Standing Through PersecutionSeries: Standing at the CrossJesus was rejected, betrayed, deserted by his friends and arrested. He was unjustly tried and condemned to death, yet he willingly endured it all to save us. As we stand at the cross together, we pray that we will be bold witnesses for our Savior so that others will come to know and worship him as Lord.
- Mar 19, 2017Standing in SufferingMar 19, 2017Standing in SufferingSeries: Standing at the CrossGod sent his Son, the innocent Lamb, to be the sacrifice for our sins. Through his suffering and death we have the gifts of forgiveness and eternal life. Jesus paid the price of our salvation and by his wounds we are healed.
- Mar 12, 2017Standing UnafraidMar 12, 2017Standing UnafraidSeries: Standing at the CrossToday in our Lenten worship we will stand together at the foot of the cross where our Savior died to save us from death and every evil. In him we can face both life and death unafraid, because he fearlessly faced death for us.
- Mar 5, 2017Standing in PrayerMar 5, 2017Standing in PrayerSeries: Standing at the CrossToday we gather to worship our Savior Jesus Christ, the “Yes!” to all the promises of God. When the time came for him to go to the cross, out of obedience to the Father and for the sake of our salvation, Jesus answered, “Yes!”
- Feb 19, 2017The Mission: EvangelismFeb 19, 2017The Mission: EvangelismSeries: FoundationsThe call of every Christian is to live beyond themselves. We are to share the hope that we have with the world. When some lepers stumble into an Aramean camp that has been emptied by God, and when they find all sorts of treasure there, they cannot help but share the good news of the treasure with their neighbors. How can we do anything less than share the good news of the gospel with our neighbors?