Church Blog

Year Round Stewardship

“Stewardship” emphasis is about vocation and serving the people around you according to the roles God has given you in life.

An understanding of stewardship is broader than dealing only with money.  Stewardship Is about using all that God has given to us according to the vocations that He has placed us in.

The wider view of looking at stewardship through vocation not only includes finances but also managing our time, gifts, skills and whatever else the Lord has given us.

When stewardship is the only aspect of vocation that is ever mentioned, and then it is only at budget planning time, the people understandably connect stewardship with money and never develop a mature attitude toward their vocations.  Planning a year-round stewardship and vocation emphasis can help you mature as stewards of God’s varied grace in every area of life.

Put Vocation in First Place

The famous or infamous three T’s of stewardship pretty well knows:  time, talent and treasure.  If we wanted to, we could think of many other “T’s of stewardship” (tissue – the care of our bodies; trash – the care of God’s creation; team – our working together with others in all settings; tune – using our voices and musical abilities to bless others).  It’s all in the Lutheran Doctrine of Vocation.

The word vocation means ‘calling’, God’s calling, God calls us through Baptism to be His Christians.  Through marriage, God calls us to be husbands and wives.  If the Lord blesses us with children, He calls us to be parents.  Each of these callings, these vocations, calls us to service.  God runs the world by using men and women as His instruments.  God blesses children by giving them faithful parents to raise them.  God blesses the whole world through the work of His Church – a work that all the baptized have a role in.

You can see how it relates to the financial aspect of stewardship.  Each of our vocations has a claim on us – every part of us:  our time, our money, our prayers, our concern and so on.  A father who gave away his whole income to the church would not be a faithful father.  His vocation as father means that he must use that income to raise his kids.  Likewise, a Christian who gives but a pittance toward the Word and Sacrament ministry of the church is being unfaithful in his vocation as Christian. That vocation also has a claim on his generosity.

Noreen E. Wenstone

Stewardship Chairperson

Stewardship for Retirees

“Let the young people do it”
People giving this and similar responses have already filled most of the available offices and served on many committees and boards at least once.
There is a pretty strong case for the fact that those who have borne the task for a long time are entitled to step back a bit.  Retirees, even the oldest members of the congregation, can be excellent examples of every aspect of stewardship to younger generations as they continue to involve themselves appropriately.
Retirement?  What’s that?
  • For centuries, people worked until they died.
  • With Social Security, retirement became a new phenomenon.
  • By 1970’s, we looked forward to the ‘Golden Years’ you retire to play.
  • By 1990, you retire not only to play, but to learn, volunteer, travel or work part-time.

Observations related to retired stewards

  1. Retirees can serve as models of mature stewardship for the next generation(s) to emulate.  These “seasoned citizens” have been blessed to be a blessing but their involvement in all aspects of stewardship needs to match their personal situations.
  2. Retiree have spent their lifetime developing skills and learning trades that can benefit the congregation
  3. Retirees can be a blessing as they stay active and enjoy the extended years that come through God’s blessing.
  4. Retirees may need to be invited by their congregations to serve according to their gifts.
  5. Retirees who deal with declining abilities can still serve the Lord and need to be encouraged to do so. They rejoice in being able to serve the Lord as valuable parts of the body of Christ.

If you are a retiree of our congregation, and would like to participate in a specific area of our church, i.e. Growth Groups, Service Groups, Fellowship Groups, etc., please don’t hesitate to note your interest on the Connection Card or call the church office 760-431-8990. 
Next week:  Year-Round Stewardship
Noreen Wenstone, Stewardship Chairperson

Comprehensive Approach to Stewardship

Any long-term approach to Christian stewardship must be grace-based, year-round, whole life, hands-on and intergenerational while respecting generational diversity.  The goal is to raise people not just money.  We often attempt to touch multiple aspects of stewardship in a single annual campaign or emphasis.  Stewardship is not just asking for a monetary commitment.  Stewardship is also asking for prayers, regular worship and time and talents.

When it comes to stewardship for adults, one size does not fit all.  It might seem like a lot of time and trouble, but we must try to diversify our approach to stewardship in our congregation’s life.  If we don’t, we will miss out on creating generous stewards in all but the most senior generations.  We will miss out on the gifts that succeeding generations can bring to the table in church life and stewardship. We will miss the joy of seeing people grow in generosity of all God has given.

Please help our congregation and step forward with any suggestions you might have that will help your generation become faithful stewards.

Next week:  Stewardship for Retirees

Stewardship vs. Generosity

The stress on Stewardship may be in tension with the virtue of Generosity.

One way in which this may show itself is in a contrast between carefulness and liberality, or the virtue of frugality versus the virtue of generosity.

Theologically we must ask whether we are most fundamentally administrators or givers. That depends on whether we have much that is ours to give and at the bottom of that is a question about God’s grace. Does God only lend to us or employ us? Or does God actually give to us?

Certainly, there is value in both models of our relationship to God and they are not to be seen as exclusive. (cf. Luther’s Explanation of the First Article) The Bible makes use of both. We are God’s servants; Christ is our Lord. We are to think of ourselves as stewards responsible to God. Nonetheless, the center of the New Testament message also affirms the reason we have something to give is because it has actually been given to us by God.  We are not only servants; Jesus says to His disciples.  “No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you” (John 15:15 ESV) And according to Paul, the Christian is no longer a slave but a child of God, and hence an heir (Gal. 3:26-4:7)

Generosity of time, skills and money, as well as stewardship of resources follows a pattern:

  • It is a learned or conditioned response. It must be carefully taught, modeled and explained.
  • It is motivated by our Christian faith.
  • It is shaped by life experience. It is never too late to shape life experiences.  All members should experience helping others, to become involved in hands-on mission, to participate in intergenerational experiences and to see how their gifts of time, skills and money can transform the lives of others are major influences in helping people to grow in stewardship and generosity.
  • It is influenced by the witness and experience of others. Intergenerational experiences to work side-by-side with hands-on projects.
Next Week:  Comprehensive Approach to Stewardship for Adults
Noreen Wenstone, Stewardship Chairperson

Adults Differ in Understanding Stewardship

Stewardship education is a necessity for all the adults of our congregations, but certain approaches to the subject, all of which have biblical roots, may have greater appeal to one generation or another.  Two common models in use today are the “stewardship” model which has dominated most literature on the subject for decades, and the “generosity” model, which is more popular.

The “stewardship” model tends to those in the Civic and Adaptive generations: (Silent, Builder an Gen. Y)

                Civic – born between 1901-1928 and 1984-2002

                Adaptive – born between 1929-1945

They fit an organizational or industrial model of society in which there are owners, managers and accountability for resources.    While not neglecting God’s grace in Jesus Christ, this model often starts with the sovereignty of God, declaring in no uncertain term that God is the Owner of all things and that we are but managers or stewards of those things.  We have a duty and responsibility to be faithful in management of those resources.

The “generosity” model tends to appeal to those in the Idealist and Reactive generations (Boomers and Gen. X):

                Idealist – born between 1946-1964

                Reactive – born between 1965-1983

They fit a more relational and collaborative model of society (e.g., the Body of Christ) in which people operate as team players in God’s mission not out of duty, but out of commitment to a cause for which they are willing to make sacrifices.  The generosity model starts not with the sovereignty of God but with the grace of God, who is not simply the Owner but the Giver of all things. A generous person is one who gives of himself and his resources, and who does so freely and not out of a sense of compulsion.  He sees it as a meaningful and joyful expression of who he is and who he wants to be and of what and whom he cares about.  Christian generosity is an expression of Christian liberty.  “Generosity is possible for Christians because the freedom of the Gospel makes a space for love in which there are good things to do that we don’t have to do.”

Next week:  Stewardship vs Generosity

God Bless you all, Noreen E. Wenstone

Stewardship Chairperson

The Role of the Parent

What does the Bible say about the role of parents?

  1. Parents have the key role in providing spiritual directions and care for their children
  2. The purpose of spiritual training is to raise faithful, loving children.
  3. Spiritual development is a lifelong, continual process.
  4. Parents must rely upon God’s grace and power to impact spiritual development, they should therefore pray for God’s help.
  5. The Bible is the basis of our stewardship training.
  6. The spiritual teaching of children will be nurtured and celebrated by the church.

Essential Elements to Teach Children

  • God owns all things; we own nothing.  God owns us twice because He both created and redeemed us.
  • We are stewards (managers) under God of all we are and have and do.  Everything we have is given to us by God as a trust to use for His purposes.
  • We are accountable and responsible to God for all He entrusts to our care.

Ways Parents Can Encourage Stewardship Development at Home

  • Be faithful stewards: lead by example!
  • Pray daily with children.  Include prayers for growth in stewardship and prayers of thanksgiving for everything the children have.
  • Use a family devotion book to get the family involved in a discussion, game or activity centered on a biblical stewardship principle.
  • Memorize a Bible verse together each week.
  • Create and implement a means for children to distribute their allowances proportionately for giving, saving and investing.
  • Use opportunities to show love and appreciation for life, the environment, money, etc.
  • Read Scripture together.

What Should Be Taught About Money

  1. It is not our money.  It all comes from God.
  2. We are not entitled to it but we are entrusted with it.
  3. God expects us to use it in the interest of His kingdom.
  4. The tithe is the biblical standard of generosity.

Parents can use the giving of an allowance to teach tithing, saving and investing to children.  According to the book of Leviticus, the first 10 percent of our income is to be offered to God.  If God required this of His Old Testament people, how can His New Testament be less generous.

Noreen Wenstone, Stewardship Chairperson

Middle School

Middle school children are capable of logical reasoning. They have more complex attitudes and skills. Relationships become extremely important. Positive role modeling is critical at this age. Our purpose should be to provide a healthy, loving environment. This environment should reinforce a sense of trust and independence and recognize the child’s need for self-awareness self-confidence, self-expression and self-appreciation. Children feel empowered when they view themselves as significant human beings and perceive that others see them that way, too. Kids of this age, if given an allowance, could be encouraged to use percentage giving as an expression of their gratitude to God.
Research reinforces the profound truth that if you want to have a lasting influence upon the world, you must invest in people’s lives while they are young. Lifelong habits, values, beliefs and attitudes are formed before the age of 13. A stewardship principle that could be nurtured by this age is one of regular, weekly giving.
Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions.
If you connect with children today, effectively teaching them biblical principles and foundations from the start, then you will see the fruit of that effort blossoms for decades to come. The more diligent we are in these efforts the more prodigious a harvest we will reap. Alternatively, the more lackadaisical we choose to be in our effort to raise children as moral and spiritual champions, the less healthy the church and society will be.
Next Week’s Article: The Role of the Parent
God Bless you!
Thank you for supporting Redeemer by The Sea
Stewardship Chairperson

Understanding Children

He died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised (2 Corinthians 5:15 ESV)

It’s not easy being a child in today’s 24/7 world. While the word is becoming more complex, children maintain the same basic needs as they have for decades: to be loved and trusted, to feel safe and to have a purposeful life.

We know that the adults children will someday become are the end result of the thousands of times they received comfort when they cried as infants, learned to play with others as they got older, were spiritually nurtured by caregivers, and were shown that they were loved and valued.

Children have 50 percent of their intelligence by age 4. By age 8, 80 percent of their intelligence will be in place. Preschoolers are in the pre-operational stage of life. Children at this age think in concrete terms. We can teach them that all good things come from God and that He wants us to take care of them.

Over time children start making connections as they begin forming a foundation for their faith. Those early years are important for determining the child’s later religious attitudes. Children in the 5-7 age range begin to understand things outside their immediate surroundings and have knowledge of cause and effect. They can begin to deal with the subject of money. As children grow, their knowledge and intellectual capacity expands.

Next Week’s article: Middle School
God Bless you!
Thank you for supporting Redeemer by The Sea,
Noreen Wenstone, Stewardship Chairperson

Stewardship for Children

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16 ESV)
Children are a part of the “world” for which Christ died.  If Jesus was willing to die for this troubled planet, maybe the church needs to care about it too.  We have a responsibility to do our part to love the world that Jesus loved so much.  And that “world” includes kids.
In A Theological Foundation for Children’s Ministry there are seven principles that should be our guiding focus as we work in children and family ministry:

  1. Children are wonderfully and uniquely created by God.
  2. Children are born sinful and in need of God’s grace.
  3. Children are invited into Jesus’ kingdom now and for eternity.
  4. Children receive and rejoice in God’s grace through Holy Baptism.
  5. Children are guided and guarded by faith-filled families.
  6. Children are nurtured and celebrated by the church.
  7. Children glorify God and are gifted by the Spirit to serve Him.

Congregational Stewardship
Children’s involvement in the stewardship life of the congregation.  Stewardship is defined as the free and joyous activity of the child of God and God’s family – the church – in managing all of life and life’s resources for god’s purposes.  In other words, stewardship is part of our vocation, the roles God has given us to play in church, home and society.  As fellow members of the Body of Christ, we want to do all we can to help children spend time with God, get to know Him, enjoy His presence and listen to what He wants.
Next Week’s article:  Understanding Children
God Bless you!
Thank you for supporting Redeemer by The Sea,
Noreen Wenstone, Stewardship Chairperson

The Importance of Visible Stewardship

One is pastoral. The second is practical. Firstly, the steward has been created to manage all of life and life’s resources freely and joyously for God’s purposes. When the steward offers up their sacrificial financial gifts, it is an act of worship. There is a reason why the offering has a place in the liturgy. God’s people stewarding the First Article grants from the Lord, give from the Lord’s bounty for the work of the Gospel. God grants. We respond. All through the liturgy we see this. The Word proclaimed is a grant of the Gospel that is met with prayer and offering. Not having this visible response to God’s generosity toward us is a loss for God’s people. It is also a loss for the next generation. Children learn generosity from the generations before them. When they see grandparents and parents making sacrificial gifts for the work of the Gospel, their future piety is formed. The selfish, stingy heart of an unbeliever was given to them at birth. The grace of giving is granted in Holy Baptism and modeled by faithful believers. The visual participation in the offering is part of preparing the next generation of faithful Christian stewards.

There is also a practical aspect to this. If there are not visible ways that the offering is connected to worship, there is speculation that generosity might fall. A change in mechanics does offer the potential for a decline in faithful financial stewardship in the congregation.

“Out of sight” often leads to “out of mind.” This should be a practical concern for the ministry of congregations.

Next week’s article- Forming stewards into the future

God Bless you!
Thank you for supporting Redeemer by The Sea,

Noreen Wenstone, Stewardship Chairperson

Has the Offering Plate Been Passed By?

Matthew 5:24b – “First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” Our giving to the Lord’s work is part of our wider Christian life. The Lord wants us to walk in His ways in all we do. He wants our hearts united to His. It’s not our gift the Lord wants, it is our very elves in all we thin, say, and do.

There have been several short-term casualties of the COVID-19 pandemic. The church is not without its short-term casualties either.

COVID-19 and the offering plate.
Now is the time to start looking at what the next steps are so that they can be planned with the proper balance between careful stewardship of the ministry and careful stewardship of the health of the congregation.

Many of the short-term casualties will recover. Buildings will once again be filled with faithful saints listening in person to the preaching that has been in virtual realm. The Table will once again be set with Christ’s Body and Blood to be shared for the forgiveness of sins. Organs will roar to life; instruments will be tuned for praise. Voices will be raised in petition and song.

But there are some treasured items that will be long-term casualties. There is an indication that the handshake, jammed pews, common-use hymnals and bulletins could be a long-term casualty. Hygiene and sanitation will rise in importance.

It is highly likely that the offering plate will be a thing of the past. Centrally-located, convenient offering boxes and the rise of electronic giving, combined with the surface contact concern with the plate may make it one of the last pre-COVID -19 practices to return.

The fate of the plate is up in the air now. The generosity of God’s people is not.

Next week’s article- The importance of visible stewardship

God Bless you!
Thank you for supporting Redeemer by The Sea,
Noreen Wenstone, Stewardship Chairperson

Three Stations in Life

Luke: 5:5 – “And Simon answered, ‘Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word will let down the nets.’” All or toil, all our work, all our efforts mean nothing without the Lord’s guidance. But if we walk in the Word of Jesus, well, look what happened to Simon Peter. The Lord gives grace, and He promises to bless our efforts and bring blessings out of them that we never expected.

Everyone has three stations in life, three spheres in which we live and are to be of service to our neighbors.

  1. We are born into the church by water and the Word of God, and our duties to others in the church arise from either our birth into the church or the birth of others by Baptism into it.
  2. We are born into family, and our duties to others stem from either our birth into that family or the birth of others into our family.
  3. Finally, we are born into society, which is simply a further extension of our birth into our family. The duties we have toward other members of society come from either our birth or the birth of others into the same society.

All that we have and all that we are is to be pressed into service for the church, the family, and society. If we were to sell all we have and give only to one, the other two would be neglected, and our duties toward them would falter.

So consider your life and all that you have in light of these three stations. You pay taxes to support and help those in society. You provide food, clothing, and shelter for the members of your family.

It is all the more necessary now as we enter into periods of time while giving is low due to high unemployment or restrictions on meeting in church to give. If we love God, his gifts of forgiveness given through the means of grace we receive at church and only at church, then we will support the church just as we love our country and our family.

For all that we have and all that we are is given to us by our gracious and giving God.
Don’t let the church, your divine family, be ignored or even an afterthought. The church is nurturing you, bringing you up in salvation by Word and Sacrament for eternal life.

Next week’s article- Has the Offering Plate Been Passed By?
God Bless you all! Thank you for supporting Redeemer by The Sea,
Noreen Wenstone, Stewardship Chairperson

Stewardship Minute 8/6/20

Romans 8:18 – “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”

It is very easy to get caught up in the present and lose track of our ultimate destiny in the Kingdom of God. St. Paul encourages us to keep eternity in mind. This certainly has an application to our support for the Gospel. If we keep our focus on “the glory to be revealed,” we will see our tithes and offerings in a new light.”

What must I do to inherit eternal life? “Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” (Luke 18:18-22) Why should we not sell all that we have and distribute it to the poor?

If we sold everything we have our wife and our children would be neglected. In other words, to sell everything we have, and give to the poor would ignore, even abandon, those whom God has placed in our care. Our money, everything we have, is not to be used solely for the church. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t to be used for the purpose God intends.

Everyone has three stations in life, three spheres in which we live and are to be of service to or neighbors. These stations are the church, the family, and society. We are members of all three of these by birth.

Next week’s article – Three stations in life

God Bless you all! Thank you for supporting Redeemer by The Sea,
Noreen Wenstone, Stewardship Chairperson

Stewardship Minute 7/29/20

We don’t offer ourselves to God just on Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings, for example. Rather, we give Him our whole selves, all the time. We understand that offering ourselves to God as living sacrifices involves the giving of our time. It requires us to be faithful stewards of the time He has given us. Yes, it means we devote to our Savior all our time. Otherwise we are not sacrificing our whole lives.

You see, God both teaches us, and has graciously qualified us, to present ourselves to Him as living sacrifices – to live as His holy priests, who offer Him acceptable sacrifices through Jesus Christ, all day, every day, in our various callings.

In the passages from Romans and 1 Peter, we hear several examples of Christian self-sacrifice: serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leading, showing mercy, living peaceably with others, submitting to governing authorities and those over us in the workplace, wives submitting to husbands, husbands honoring wives, showing compassion, and suffering patiently in doing good.

In all these things, and in all our other everyday activities, we sacrifice ourselves by using our time, not just for our own benefit, but also and especially for the well-being of others. Work time, school time, exercise time, study time, mealtime, chore time, recreation and relaxation time, even sleep time – it’s all God’s gift to us to use for purposes that please and honor Him.

This challenges us to think about the way we spend our time, how we utilize our talents, and the way we spend our treasures. Whatever it is I’m doing, am I doing it “for the Lord”? (Colossians 3:23) Am I presenting God a living sacrifice? Am I conducting myself as a holy priest, whose sacrifice is acceptable to God?

Because our Lord sacrificed Himself wholly for us, we offer ourselves wholly to Him as living sacrifices. This is following Jesus in self-sacrifice. By His saving mercy, yes, our sacrifice is acceptable to God. For the sake of Jesus’ finished work, God is pleased with us.

God Bless you all! Thank you for supporting Redeemer by The Sea,
Noreen Wenstone, Stewardship Chairperson

Stewardship Minute 7/21/20

The sin of the world is paid for. God’s Law has been kept perfectly on our behalf. The prophecies have all been fulfilled. Jesus Christ has finished it all! And that, dear Christians, should fill us with complete confidence in our salvation. Since Jesus has finished all these things in His self-sacrifice, we can be fully certain our sins are forgiven, and we have everlasting life!

St. Paul wrote: “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” (Rom. 12:1)

We hear the same teaching in 1 Peter. “As you come to him, a living stone, rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves, like living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 2:4-5)

It’s the very thing Malachi foretold of the Lord, that He would come and purify His priestly people, that they may offer to Him an offering in righteousness. (Malachi 3:3)

So, what does this mean? In view of God’s mercies – that is, because Jesus sacrificed Himself to make us pure, giving His entire self into death – Paul said that we are to sacrifice ourselves entirely to God, offering Him our whole lives. For our Savior did not give Himself for us in part. So, we do not give back to Him in part.

God Bless you all! Thank you for supporting Redeemer by The Sea,
Noreen Wenstone, Stewardship Chairperson

Stewardship Minute 7/9/20

Our Lord teaches us to give generously out of love – love for Him and for our neighbor. Genuine love is always love in deed (1 John 3:18), love such as Jesus showed us all. It is love that sees our neighbor in need and gives generously to help him.  It is love that hears the Word of the Lord and does what it says.  If we truly love, we give generously.  If we give without love, our giving is not truly following Jesus.

We follow Jesus in generosity when we give for a good purpose to thank the Lord and support His gospel ministry and other works of mercy. The people of Israel gave generously for the service of God’s gospel purposes, to construct and support the operation of the tabernacle.  For that was the place where the Lord received the Old Testament sacrifices, through which He bestowed the forgiveness of sins on His people.  So, they gave abundantly – so abundantly that they had to be told to stop giving.  (Ex. 36:5-6)

In the same way, we should bring generous offerings to support the Lord’s work of bestowing His gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation in our congregations through the preaching and teaching of His Word, Baptism, and the Lord’s Supper. We should support the Lord’s work of caring for those who are poor and needy.

Our Savior calls us to follow His example in generous giving.  Let us then, with thankful hearts, rededicate ourselves to following Him in generosity.

God Bless you all! Thank you for supporting Redeemer by The Sea,
Noreen Wenstone, Stewardship Chairperson

Stewardship Minute 6/25/20

Our Savior calls us to follow Him in generosity. “For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.” (John 13:15) We cannot give our lives for the salvation of the world, of course. Praise God – that job’s already done!

But with hearts full of thanksgiving for what Jesus has given us, we can follow Jesus’ example of generous giving. And this is not merely an example alone. It’s also our Lord’s command. “the one who contributes, (let him give) in generosity.” (Rom. 12:8)

So, when we give to help others who are in need, and when we bring offerings to the Lord, we should strive to heed His command and follow the pattern He has established for us. Jesus did not give us leftovers. He gave His best. So, we should not give leftovers, either, but the first and best of what He has given us. Jesus did not give as an afterthought but according to the plan of salvation God established from the foundation of the world.

So, when it comes to our offerings to the Lord, we should make a thoughtful plan to give generously, in proportion to the way He has blessed us. Like the Macedonian Christians, who gave according to their ability – and even beyond their ability (2 Cor. 8:3) – we can and should give a generous portion of the income that God provides us to honor the Lord.

So also, we should give freely, just as Jesus gave freely to us. There is no compulsion involved in our works of love and our offerings to the Lord. Nor do we give grudgingly. We should give freely and cheerfully because we want to out of thanksgiving. “Each as he purposes in his heart, “as the Lord says. (2 Cor. 9:7) There is no New Testament ceremonial law involved here. Rather, we are free to give as generously as our Savior has given for us.

God Bless you all! Thank you for supporting Redeemer by The Sea,
Noreen Wenstone, Stewardship Chairperson

We are Stewards of the Present and Future

Sixth Thought: We are stewards of the present. Our faithful stewardship takes place in time. Stewardship is not some philosophical endeavor. We are stewards of what we have been entrusted within our time. In worship, at the rail, and in the world, we steward the trust we have been given by God for the sake of those around us. In this way, we are His hands and His feet to serve our neighbor for His glory.

Seventh thought: We are stewards of the future. While we have no control over what happens tomorrow, our stewardship today can indeed affect the future. Our congregations are legacies of the faithful stewardship of those who now rest from their labor with Jesus. As we live today, and as we give today we are laying the groundwork for the future ministry of the local congregation. The Gospel can be proclaimed until Christ returns so that others may hear and be given the same trust of faith we have by the Holy Spirit, and know the joy of being stewards of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

God Bless you all! Thank you for supporting Redeemer by The Sea,
Noreen Wenstone, Stewardship Chairperson

Solutions for Change – Goodie Bags & Farmboxes

A supply of Goodie bags from Redeemer by the Sea were delivered to Solutions for Change to be distributed.
Also – As you may or may not know, Solutions for Change has a farm! Solutions Farms provides work development training for the formerly homeless families in their program and funds the transformation of these families.
Pre-Covid, they sold their lettuce to local restaurants. Unfortunately, with business shut downs, they lost these accounts, and a valuable source of funding for their program. They needed to get creative, so they quickly pivoted, partnering with local fruit and vegetable farmers to come out with their own CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Box – Solutions FarmBox!
Solutions will deliver a FarmBox with organic fruits and vegetables straight to your front door. The box includes our 100% organic spring mix with local farm fresh veggies and fruit such as avocados, apples, oranges, tomatoes, zucchinis, spinach, strawberries etc.
To continue to serve those in need, they offer this CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) box for purchase on their website, and 100% of the proceeds go towards solving family homeless at Solutions for Change. If you would like to purchase a box click here.

North County Food Bank Donation

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the North County Food Bank matching opportunity. We had a total of $1,825 donated, and along with the $1,500 from Redeemer there was a total of $3,325 sent to the Food Bank – that should provide 16,625 meals! Way to go!