Christian teaching is full of plenty of paradoxes that, when first heard, sound strange but are actually true! In this series we take a look at some of these paradoxes and how they can shape our faith..

September 12: One, but Three

The doctrine of the Trinity says that there is only one God, yet He is three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. From the opening pages of Scripture we see all three persons present. God is creating. The Spirit is hovering. And Jesus is the Word who is spoken.
September 19: God, but Man
There is a doctrine known as the hypostatic union in Christ. Simply put, there is only one Jesus, but this Jesus has two natures: He is God and He is man. Paul explains this well as he points to Jesus’ human characteristics, like His death on a cross, while also asserting His divinity, saying that the very fullness of God dwells in Christ.
September 26: Now, but Not Yet
The kingdom of God came with Christ, but we do not feel or see its full effects. It is here now, but it is not yet fully realized. We see this tension come out especially clearly in the healing stories in the Gospels. Although Jesus heals some people, He does not heal all people. We see some amazing things now, but we are still waiting for the amazing things that are yet to come.
October 3: Sinner, but Saint
As Christians, we are saved saints! Yet, we still struggle with sin. This is an ongoing tension we have inside of ourselves until we die. Living in this tension requires God’s forgiveness and grace!