Feb 2, 2014
Growing My Faith By Giving It Away
The Apostle James challenges us to demonstrate our faith through our actions. In other words, not just say we believe, but act like we believe too. This not only has the benefit of bringing God’s blessings to those we encounter, but it strengthens our faith as well. We spent the last few weeks talking about how as disciples of Jesus we WORSHIP – GROW – and SERVE. Today we tie all of those together as we grow our faith by giving it away. We can learn a certain amount by listening, but what we’ve learned, truly becomes a part of us and causes growth in us when we share it with another person. The Truth of God’s Word is no different. We grow in the Word when we share the Word!
  • Feb 2, 2014Growing My Faith By Giving It Away
    Feb 2, 2014
    Growing My Faith By Giving It Away
    The Apostle James challenges us to demonstrate our faith through our actions. In other words, not just say we believe, but act like we believe too. This not only has the benefit of bringing God’s blessings to those we encounter, but it strengthens our faith as well. We spent the last few weeks talking about how as disciples of Jesus we WORSHIP – GROW – and SERVE. Today we tie all of those together as we grow our faith by giving it away. We can learn a certain amount by listening, but what we’ve learned, truly becomes a part of us and causes growth in us when we share it with another person. The Truth of God’s Word is no different. We grow in the Word when we share the Word!
  • Jan 26, 2014At Redeemer We Serve
    Jan 26, 2014
    At Redeemer We Serve
    Jesus said He came not to be served, but to serve. We model Him best when we lovingly serve others. We serve not only those inside the church, but outside the church as well. We serve those in need. Jesus tells us that when we serve the “least,” we are in fact serving Him. When we serve our neighbor, we are fulfilling the Lord’s command to love Him with all our heart, soul, strength and mind and to love our neighbor as ourselves. At Redeemer, we Worship the Lord, Grow in His Word, and Serve others in His Name!
  • Jan 19, 2014At Redeemer We Grow
    Jan 19, 2014
    At Redeemer We Grow
    When Jesus gave the Great Commission He told His followers to make disciples baptizing and teaching them to obey His Word. Last week, we talked about this Sacramental community of believers that we are a part of called The Church. Once we are made spiritual children of God through baptism, and brought into His family, He does not want us to remain infants, but to grow in spiritual maturity. How do we grow? We grow in the two dimensions of love – love toward God, and love toward each other. At Redeemer we seek to grow in our relationship with God, but do so in fellowship with other believers.
  • Jan 12, 2014At Redeemer We Worship
    Jan 12, 2014
    At Redeemer We Worship
    What does it mean to be church? The reformers defined the marks of the Church primarily as where the Word of God is preached in purity and truth, and where the Sacraments are rightly administered. Further, the Church is defined in terms of Christian discipline and mission. In order to honor the historic marks of the Church, as well as capture for the active believer what church membership looks like in practice, we use the three words “WORSHIP, GROW and SERVE.” As believers we should be regularly worshipping God corporately where the Word is taught and Sacraments celebrated, and we should also be engaged in an area of discipleship where we are growing, and another where we are serving. Today, we focus on worship – where we gather together to sit at Jesus feet and receive His gifts!
  • Nov 24, 2013Committed to Grow
    Nov 24, 2013
    Committed to Grow
    Healthy things grow. We see this in nature, and we see it in the Body of Christ. In this message series, we have seen that God wants the “Best” for us in our spiritual lives; He wants us to grow in our witness, worship, connection with other believers, prayer, Bible study, service and giving. By staying close to Him, as the branches on a vine, trusting in Him, and committing our lives to Him, we will grow in spiritual maturity. As we grow, we find that our delight is in the Lord, and our confidence is in Him and His promises through Jesus Christ. May we live out our baptismal faith – by God’s grace!
  • Nov 17, 2013Challenged to Give
    Nov 17, 2013
    Challenged to Give
    A Christian author writes: “God prospers me not to raise my standard of living, but to raise my standard of giving.” (Randy Alcorn) Question: Why does God give us good things? Answer: Because it’s in God’s nature to give. If it’s in God’s nature to give, then we are being like God when we give. Consequently, it’s no surprise that God blesses us with material wealth; that wealth becomes for us an opportunity to practice being like Him in our giving. It also provides for us the opportunity to trust in Him to provide for us when we give. In fact, we may do better to think of giving as sharing – since what we give first came from God, and really is His to give. He simply chooses to give to others through us. Can He trust us to share?
  • Nov 3, 2013Called to Serve
    Nov 3, 2013
    Called to Serve
    “Serve the Lord with Gladness” is the theme of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML). In today’s service, we not only recognize the service and dedication of Lutheran women worldwide, but we also recognize the call of the Lord for ALL of us to serv.! Jesus himself declared that the “Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve” (Matt. 20:28). As Christians, we are most like our Lord Jesus when we serve. And ironically, just as it is in giving that we truly receive, it is in serving that we are truly fulfilled. God designed us to serve Him. In serving our neighbor we are serving Him and fulfilling our life’s purpose!
  • Oct 27, 2013Motivated to Study
    Oct 27, 2013
    Motivated to Study
    Whether it is 2013 or 1517, the Word of God is strong and powerful! And the Word of God divides people – those who believe and hear its message, and those who reject its Truth. On this Reformation Sunday, we recall Martin Luther’s famous words at the Diet of Worms – “Here I stand. I can do no other; so help me God.” On what did he stand? On the Word of God! Fast forward to today. On what ground can we stand and stake our lives? On that same Word of God. God’s Truth is solid rock, not shifting sand. God does not change, nor does His Word. The question is – are we basing our lives on the changing winds of society and culture or are we building our foundation on the solid rock?
  • Oct 20, 2013Summoned to Pray
    Oct 20, 2013
    Summoned to Pray
    Prayer. Do you see it as a “last resort?” as in, “if all else fails - Pray!” That is not how the Lord speaks of prayer. For the believer, prayer is our FIRST line of defense against the attacks of Satan, and our first line of offense as we seek to further God’s Kingdom on earth. Our Lord Jesus prayed often and instructed His disciples to do the same. Through prayer we not only make our requests known to God, but we establish and maintain our relationship with Him. Prayer is not simply something to do, it is an act of worship, faith and love. Prayer is mysterious, we do not understand how it works, and yet the Lord is clear that we are to pray without ceasing. May our hearts be opened to God’s work through prayer.
  • Oct 13, 2013Compelled to Connect
    Oct 13, 2013
    Compelled to Connect
    We live in a world of increasing connections. We have more and more accounts on websites, we belong to more clubs; we even have memberships at shopping centers. And who could neglect to speak of Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram and so on? We have so many ways to connect – and yet we live in what is arguably the most DIS-connected generation ever. We experience a kind of “crowded loneliness,” which means that we have people all around us, but we still feel isolated and alone. God desires better for us. He’s created us to live in community. In fact God has given us the BEST community to be a part of, and that’s our church family, gathered together as the Body of Christ – at church and in homes.
  • Oct 6, 2013Invited to Worship
    Oct 6, 2013
    Invited to Worship
    What do you think of when you hear the word worship? Some think of Sunday morning. Some think of a particular part of the divine service - the singing part. Some think of lifting their hands in prayer. But is worship a thing you do or a place you go? What if worship were simply a way of life? Imagine thinking of your daily tasks - even the repetitive and mundane ones - as spiritual acts of worship! Our goal as Christians is to bring glory to God in whatever we think, say and do - that's worship!!
  • Sep 22, 2013The Secret Behind Spiritual Growth
    Sep 22, 2013
    The Secret Behind Spiritual Growth
    We heard last week, Philippians 1:6 “May He who began a good work in you carry it on to completion.” Discipleship is a process; one that begins with God… He began a work in you in your baptism and He will carry it on in you to completion. God continues to work in and through you by the power of His grace. Because Jesus is behind every door of your life, that work of God continues throughout your life: past, present and future. Look to your past and see that all your sins are forgiven. Look to your present and see that you’re a forgiven child of God. And look to the future with great hope because Jesus is behind the doors of your future! May God’s continuous presence and hand in your life cause a desire for you to grow spiritually in Him, and may it fill you with confidence that the Best is Yet to Come!
  • Sep 15, 20137 Doors of Spiritual Growth
    Sep 15, 2013
    7 Doors of Spiritual Growth
    God has done some incredible things in and through the lives of the people at Redeemer by the Sea! In our ministry we’ve seen growth in buildings and attendance. We’ve celebrated a number of baptisms, confirmations, and new members. We must, however, remind ourselves that none of this is because we have been so smart or have worked so hard. We have not received these blessings because we deserve them – but because God has been faithful. If we are honest and take a closer look we’ll see we have failed Him more than we would like to admit. But He has never failed us! Because of His faithfulness in the past, we are confident that He will be faithful in the future – and that in fact, the Best is Yet to Come!
  • Sep 8, 2013The Dark Knight Rises: Counting the Cost
    Sep 8, 2013
    The Dark Knight Rises: Counting the Cost
    Go into any store and you’ll find that everything has a price on it. Well, any more these days, there’s a bar-code, but the point is the same. If you want it, you have to pay the price. Jesus tells His disciples, and us today, effectively “if you want to be my disciple, you have to pay the price!” But why is there a cost? Doesn’t God offer grace for free? Certainly! Salvation is a free gift from God that none of us could pay for … but discipleship is a lifestyle that comes at a cost. For you and I to follow Jesus in a world that is hostile to Him and His followers, there is a price to pay – a “cross” to bear: We can be assured that we will encounter persecution and resistance; and to live our lives longing for a world that is yet to come, we must forsake (“renounce” in Luke 14:33) the things of this world. There is a significant cost to being a disciple of Jesus.
  • Sep 1, 2013The Blind Side: Having a Humble Heart
    Sep 1, 2013
    The Blind Side: Having a Humble Heart
    "Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought" the Apostle Paul tells us in Romans. And Jesus reminds us in our Gospel today, "Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled." The truth is, we allow ourselves to be "puffed up" and exalted by our position, authority and possessions. It's easy for us to think of ourselves as better than someone else. However, there are lots of reasons we should not do this. The greatest of which is that before the Lord we are all sinners. When we compare ourselves against His perfect and righteous laws, we all fall short. When we gaze upon His glorious majesty and power, we are ALL beggars and hoodlums. Without Christ we are without power and without hope. It is best for us to realize that now, and live our lives humbly and thankfully.