Mar 18, 2018
Series: (All)
Today we focus on our forgiveness for denying our Lord. We humbly confess that we often join Peter in saying, “I don’t know this Man!” Denial is never a good thing – except in formal logic. In logic a denial simply reverses the truth value of a statement. Here is the truth statement about our human condition: we are sinners under God’s condemnation. Now, put a denial in front of that statement and we have this: It is not the case that we are sinners under God’s condemnation. That is a joyful denial. And it happens all because Jesus denied His righteousness for our sake. Paul writes, “But, God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” Jesus became our sin so that we become His righteousness. Rejoice in that new identity.
  • Mar 18, 2018Denial
    Mar 18, 2018
    Series: (All)
    Today we focus on our forgiveness for denying our Lord. We humbly confess that we often join Peter in saying, “I don’t know this Man!” Denial is never a good thing – except in formal logic. In logic a denial simply reverses the truth value of a statement. Here is the truth statement about our human condition: we are sinners under God’s condemnation. Now, put a denial in front of that statement and we have this: It is not the case that we are sinners under God’s condemnation. That is a joyful denial. And it happens all because Jesus denied His righteousness for our sake. Paul writes, “But, God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” Jesus became our sin so that we become His righteousness. Rejoice in that new identity.