Spiritual Battles…

We love superheroes don’t we? I recently dressed up as “Pastor America” and visited the little kids at our school. They were duly impressed.
It’s interesting that the world so readily latches onto the idea of someone stronger, faster, and more powerful than us who can step in battle the evil villain. Whether it’s Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Marvel or whatever… we seem to be insatiable when it comes to dreaming about this battle of good vs. evil – and in particular, the power of good to rescue us from the power of evil. Where’s that come from? It’s actually rooted in Truth. In History. In Reality. In the Bible. Spielberg, Lucas and the others get this idea from the Bible, whether they realize it or not.
The Apostle Paul warns the Christians at Ephesus, and us.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. – Ephesians 6:12
In other words, we are in a spiritual battle – whether we like it or not. The challenge for us is that we often dismiss the spiritual realm altogether. We buy into the greatest trick of the devil as he attempts to convince us that he does not exist. And if we do believe in a spiritual realm, often we just don’t know what to make of the demonic side of that spiritual realm. We don’t want to overemphasize the activity of demons and spiritual forces of evil, such that we blame “the devil” for the fact that our bank balance is low, for example. But we can’t dismiss the fact that the devil and his demons are real and are active causing trouble in our lives – especially because we are believers in Christ. (See: 1 Peter 5:8)
The Bible gives us so many warnings about how the enemy:
  1. tempts us to sin,
  2. distracts us from God’s will,
  3. and inflicts suffering.
Speaking to the young pastor Timothy, the Apostle Paul warns that some of the people in his church had fallen into the “trap of the devil” and that he had “taken them captive to do his will.” (2 Timothy 2:26). This doesn’t mean that the devil possessed those believers, but that he had set traps for them, and they walked into those traps, unwittingly doing the will of the devil.
An interesting thing about our sin is that God uses our sin to get us to repent and turn to Him. He desires to restore our relationship with Him as He forgives our sin. The devil, on the other hand, uses our sin to cause us to distance ourselves from God in shame, and even turn away from belief in God, turning to false religions. Paul told Timothy The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.1 Tim. 4:1.
Finally, while I believe the devil cannot possess Christians who have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, through faith and baptism (see: Acts 2:38-39, 1 Corinthians 6:19), I do believe that he can harass and oppress Christians, and that he readily does. Scripture is full of stories showing the activity of the forces of evil against believers and unbelievers alike. (See Matthew 17:15-18).
But what we always see in Scripture is that God is more powerful than the devil. Jesus is always able to cast out the evil spirits (Matthew 17:18). They must always obey Him! In fact, they recognized Jesus and His authority over them before even Jesus’ own disciples did! (see Mark 1:24).
The demons are well aware of the power of the Son of God over them. The question is are you? Do you realize how powerful the Name of Jesus is over any power of the devil or darkness? Do you realize the miraculous authority over darkness that you possess as a follower of Jesus who bears His Name?
When people at our church are baptized, we give them a candle lighted from the flame of the candles on the altar. We tell them that this light symbolizes the Light of Christ that has come into the world … and the Light that they now carry into the world as a follower of Jesus. What I don’t think we often realize is just how powerful that Light is over the darkness.
Friends, if you and I are in a spiritual battle – that cannot be fought with flesh and blood. Then the only way we can “take our stand against the devil” (Ephesians 6:10-18), is to call upon the Name and the power of Jesus. This is the authority that is given to us, and which we take up when we put on the Armor of God.
Imagine a frail elderly person who has been commissioned as a crossing guard at an elementary school. They do not possess the power within themselves to stop a moving car or truck. (Nor does any mere mortal, for that matter.) But the stop-sign that they have been given in their role as crossing guard gives them the authority to stop those moving vehicles. They simply hold up the stop-sign, and the operators of the vehicle recognize their authority and stop.
It’s the same with demons and the devil. When you and I call upon the Name and the authority of Jesus, the powers of darkness must obey!
What spiritual battles are you facing right now? Don’t be surprised if that relationship struggle, or that challenge at work really has an invisible spiritual battle being waged underneath – a battle for your inner peace and joy, if not for your very faith. Don’t let the enemy trick you into trying to win that battle in your flesh. Do what you can in the earthly realm, for sure. But turn over the spiritual battle to Jesus and His angels to fight in the spiritual realm on your behalf.
In the Name of Jesus,
Pastor Augie.
If you’d like to hear my recent sermon on “Miracles of Deliverance,” click here.