Joy Greater Than Our Fears

In this video I talk about how the Easter message intersects with the life of the Christian and how we can learn from the first Easter morning how to face the fears of our day. Just as the women left Jesus’ empty tomb “with fear and great joy” (Matthew 28:8, ESV) … as Christians our joy is greater than our fear. Likewise, our faith is greater than our worry.

I also look at what Jesus has to say about worry in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:25-34).

Truly, as Christians our knowledge of the Resurrection overshadows and even brings joy in the midst of our fears!

Joyful in Hope,

Pastor Augie

Note: the audio breaks up at about 2:22 in the video making it difficult to hear these words, “… another thing that I notice in this text is that word “fear.” Before the resurrection it was the disciples that were afraid. They ran away when Jesus was arrested. Peter denied Jesus when he was questioned. And then they all hid behind locked doors after Jesus was crucified…”

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