Jun 16, 2019
RLC: Changing
Series: Red Letter Challenge

- Jun 16, 2019RLC: ChangingJun 16, 2019RLC: ChangingSeries: Red Letter Challenge
In the letter of James, we read, “Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.” (James 1:23-24) When we look at the words of Jesus in the Bible, do we go away unchanged? No. Jesus’ words are life changing! He changes the way we see life, death and our relationship with God. On this Trinity Sunday having been changed by the Son and empowered by the Holy Spirit, may we bring glory to our Father in Heaven as we continue to put the words of Jesus into practice!
- Jun 9, 2019RLC: GoingJun 9, 2019RLC: GoingSeries: Red Letter Challenge
As Christians, we have the greatest message of hope in the world. Especially on this Pentecost Sunday, we are reminded that Jesus has given us His Holy Spirit to empower us to go and share the hope that lives in us with the world. When one person declares what Jesus has done for him, it changes the whole community in which he lives. How can we change our neighborhoods, family, and even the world with the message of the gospel?
- Jun 2, 2019RLC: GivingJun 2, 2019RLC: GivingSeries: Red Letter Challenge
Today we begin one of the most challenging weeks – Giving. There are more Red Letters about giving than almost any other subject. Why is that? Because Jesus loves to give! He gave His life for the life of the world. Jesus wants us to reflect Him in how generous we are with others. Don’t think your giving makes a difference? Bring what you have to the Lord. With just a little – five loaves and two fish – Jesus can do a lot?
- May 26, 2019RLC: ServingMay 26, 2019RLC: ServingSeries: Red Letter Challenge
We are motivated by expectations. We give and serve but we expect something in return. We may start without expectations but at some point, we ask, “What’s in it for me?” As we follow Jesus and put his words into action, He calls us to serve without expecting anything in return. This is the true heart of a servant?
- May 19, 2019RLC: ForgivingMay 19, 2019RLC: ForgivingSeries: Red Letter Challenge
As followers of Jesus we are always asking, “What is my purpose?” We ask the question, but do we really want the answer? What if the answer is to forgive that person who has wounded you deeply? What if the answer is to put down your self-righteous stones that make you feel better than others. What if Jesus is calling His followers to be known for what they are FOR than what they are AGAINST?
- May 6, 2019RLC: BeingMay 6, 2019RLC: BeingSeries: Red Letter Challenge
Before we are called to do anything for Jesus, we are called to spend time with Jesus. However, in our desire to follow Jesus we often jump into action and forget that our DOING flows out of our BEING with Jesus. In the coming weeks, Jesus will call us to Forgive, to Serve, to Give, and to Go. None of these are possible unless we first learn to abide in Being with Jesus.
- Apr 28, 2019RLC: IntroductionApr 28, 2019RLC: IntroductionSeries: Red Letter Challenge
More than half of the words in the Gospels come from the mouth of Jesus. These are the Red Letters of Scripture. We memorize them, we quote them, we write books about them, we post them on social media. Jesus called us to do none of these things. He called us to do them! God’s Word is living, active and life-changing for those who read, mark, learn and inwardly digest it. Let us open our hearts to the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives as we embark on this 40-day challenge.