Oct 16, 2016
Relating Wisely to Others
(Sharefaith App Image)People are great, aren’t they?  Some of them, yes.  But some of them are irritating, intimidating and annoying to us - if we're honest. The fact is, a lot of the problems we have in life are because of personality conflicts. We don't get along with people.  James gives us some practical advice on dealing with other people - even those we don't really like. James 3:18 is a key verse,"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere."
James teaches us that we need to be wise in the way we act toward people. Today we will learn how Christian wisdom differs from human wisdom.
  • Oct 16, 2016Relating Wisely to Others
    Oct 16, 2016
    Relating Wisely to Others
    (Sharefaith App Image)People are great, aren’t they?  Some of them, yes.  But some of them are irritating, intimidating and annoying to us - if we're honest. The fact is, a lot of the problems we have in life are because of personality conflicts. We don't get along with people.  James gives us some practical advice on dealing with other people - even those we don't really like. James 3:18 is a key verse,"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere."
    James teaches us that we need to be wise in the way we act toward people. Today we will learn how Christian wisdom differs from human wisdom.
  • Oct 9, 2016Managing Your Mouth
    Oct 9, 2016
    Managing Your Mouth
    (Sharefaith App Image)
    Jesus said in Matthew 12:34 
    "For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." Jesus reveals in this verse that what comes out of our mouths displays what is in our hearts. Our words have an effect on the people around us, but perhaps more importantly they affect us. 
     Our words have the power to direct the course of our lives - toward good, or toward destruction.  And our mouths have the ability to praise God or praise self - to give witness to God's goodness and mercy, or to shout curses.  Such a little piece of anatomy; so much influence.
  • Sep 18, 2016Being Blessed by the Bible
    Sep 18, 2016
    Being Blessed by the Bible
    (Sharefaith App Image)
    You see someone starting to fall, and you reach out to steady them.  Someone sneezes and you say "God Bless You."  These are just some of the natural responses to situations that occur around us.  Something happens and we are compelled to act. The Apostle James tells us that this is what must happen when we read the Word of God.  We cannot just hear it and not be moved to response.  The Word of God changes us.  We are different because of hearing it.  We are convicted.  We are corrected.  And we are blessed.  Each person responds differently, but each person responds.  How do you respond to what you read in God's Word?
  • Sep 11, 2016Standing Against Temptation
    Sep 11, 2016
    Standing Against Temptation
    (Sharefaith App Image)
    The Bible talks about two different kinds of testing. One is called trials. The other is called temptation. They come from the same Greek word in the New Testament. However, sometimes translators choose "trials," and sometimes they choose "temptations" when translating to English. It doesn't much matter because often a situation can be both a trial and a temptation. But there is a way to distinguish them.  Trials are situations designed by God in order to help us grow. Temptations are situations designed by the devil in order to cause us to sin. We will learn from James how to mature in the face of both trials and temptations.
  • Sep 4, 2016Making Up Your Mind
    Sep 4, 2016
    Making Up Your Mind
    2016 James Series Banner
    Immediately after speaking about problems (vs. 2-4), James deals with the matter of decision-making.  In Greek, the word "double-minded" literally means "two-souled" -- pulled apart in different directions, divided loyalties, divided priorities. What the Apostle James references, we've all felt.  Life is full of decisions and basically is a series of choices we make every day. Failing to make a choice is a kind of choice itself.  How can the believer make wise decisions?  We'll learn from the Book of James...
  • Aug 28, 2016Profiting From Your Problems
    Aug 28, 2016
    Profiting From Your Problems
    Do you have any problems and challenges in your life right now?  If you are alive, chances are good that you do.  Problems are just a part of life!  One mistake that people make is believing that as Christians we should have fewer problems affecting us.  Not only is this just not true to what we experience, but it goes against the Bible.  Jesus Himself tells us, "In this world you will have trouble," (John 16:33).  What is different for believers is not how much trouble we experience, but how we respond to that trouble.  As Christians we can see God at work even in our problems.  So instead of asking God, "why me?" ... we can ask God, "what are you teaching me in this struggle, Lord?" God has an amazing way of using our problems for our good.
  • Aug 7, 2016The Marks of Spiritual Maturity
    Aug 7, 2016
    The Marks of Spiritual Maturity
    2016 James Series
    God's will for every person is that they grow. In Hebrews 6:1 we read: "Let us go on to maturity." In other words, God wants us to grow up.  In particular, He wants us to grow in the image and likeness of His Son Jesus.  And so He has given us His Word to reveal Christ to us, and to instruct us as followers of Him.  That's why one of the key areas of focus at of our church is “GROW."  It is our desire to help those we encounter to grow spiritually.  What does spiritual maturity look like?  God shows us in His Word.
  • Jul 31, 2016How To Pray Effectively
    Jul 31, 2016
    How To Pray Effectively
    Often people will say that they believe in "the power of prayer."  That's good; the Bible speaks frequently to the importance and effectiveness of prayer.  But when a person says that, do they really mean that they believe in the power of the pray-er ... meaning, the one who does the praying?  Jesus taught His disciples how to pray.  But when He did, He showed that the power is not in the one praying, but rather in the One being prayed to ... namely Our Father who art in heaven
    .  Jesus also taught His disciples that when we pray, it isn't "one and done."  We can't expect that just because we've prayed for something one time that the Lord will respond. Why not?  Of course, only God knows, but the Bible suggests that the process of praying does something in us as well.
  • Jul 24, 2016What to do when Life’s Unfair
    Jul 24, 2016
    What to do when Life’s Unfair
    We often complain that "Life's not fair!" But who ever said it should be?  Not God!  In fact, we really don't want God to be fair with us, do we?  If we got what we deserved, we would only receive God's wrath and punishment.  For the Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 6:23, 
    "the wages of sin is death."  If you want to know what your works have earned you, the Bible tells you that your sin has earned you everlasting condemnation ... that is, death. This is bad news.  But, there is good news that follows.  Because you don't get what you have earned.  No!  You get better!  Romans 6:23 goes on to say, "but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
     Life truly is unfair! You don't get what you deserve - Christ does, as He dies on the cross. Instead, you get what Christ deserves - eternal life!  Now, how shall you live your life in response to God's gracious gift? 
  • Jul 17, 2016Can Faith Move Mountains?
    Jul 17, 2016
    Can Faith Move Mountains?
    Bigger is better, right?  We often think that! But, not so with the Kingdom of God.  We've been learning from Jesus about how the Kingdom of Heaven is different than our ways of the world; one such way is the idea of mustard seed faith. (A mustard seed is very small, by the way.)  Often we think that our faith is too weak or too frail to make a difference. Jesus teaches however, that even the tiniest faith is able to do big things - like move mountains, He says!  Why?  Because it's not the faith that's accomplishing it, but rather the One the faith believes in.  Big faith in a little god is worthless... but little faith in our big God .. that's powerful!
  • Jul 10, 2016Who Will Escape Judgment?
    Jul 10, 2016
    Who Will Escape Judgment?
    This week, Jesus has some sobering words about the Kingdom of Heaven. He teaches us in the "Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds" that there is not only good seed being sown in His harvest field, but there is also bad seed being sown by His enemy.  What do we do about this? Do we fight fire with fire and harm those who appear to belong to the enemy? Jesus says, "No." In so doing we might judge incorrectly and end up harming His children as well. Abigail Van Buren (Dear Abby columnist) would agree.  She once said, “People who fight fire with fire usually end up with ashes.”  So what is to become of the wickedness that is being sown around us?  Jesus answers this in today's parable.
  • Jul 3, 2016What is the Kingdom of Heaven like?
    Jul 3, 2016
    What is the Kingdom of Heaven like?
    This year our "God on Film" message series will feature teachings from the parables of Jesus each week, along with illustrations from popular movies.  This Sunday, Jesus answers the question, "What is the Kingdom of Heaven Like?" by telling His listeners the Parable of the Sower: "A farmer went out to sow his seed..." (Matt 13:3).  Jesus used the well-known examples of a farmer, a seed, and a harvest to explain mysteries of God's Kingdom.  He used common elements to teach uncommon messages.  And in so doing, He challenged His hearers to live a life aligned with God's Word - causing them and us to ask ourselves: "what kind of soil with the seed of God's Word find when it lands on my heart?"
  • Jun 19, 2016Praying for Patience
    Jun 19, 2016
    Praying for Patience
    Series: (All)
    Have you ever prayed for "patience?"  You might want to reconsider that - when you think about how God is going to make you patient.  It is unlikely that God will just change your demeanor overnight (though, He certainly could).  Rather, He will likely teach you patience by making you WAIT!  What better way to grow in integrity than to be faced with the opportunity for dishonesty and yet experience telling the truth?  What better way to grow in determination than to overcome failure?  So, if God needs to teach you patience, He will give you opportunities to wait on Him.  As you do, you will learn to trust Him more.  And as you trust Him, you will learn that He desires to grant you all good things.  
  • Jun 12, 2016Praying for Wisdom
    Jun 12, 2016
    Praying for Wisdom
    Series: (All)
    Young King Solomon, when asked by God what he wanted, prayed to receive wisdom (1 Kings 3).  Do you pray for wisdom?  What does that mean to you?  It has been said that wisdom is "knowledge applied."  It is true that humans are capable of amassing knowledge, and yet still remaining unwise.  Such is the case of the unbelieving heart.  Often what is perceived as worldly knowledge is wrongly applied and then deemed to be opposed to what is spiritually wise.  So how is the believing person to reconcile the wisdom of God, which is seen as foolishness to the world?
  • May 29, 2016Persecuted
    May 29, 2016
    The Bible clearly states that Christians will be persecuted. It still happens today in many different forms, from as simple as being mocked to as serious as suffering death. Be that as it may, we do not let persecution discourage us.  In fact, we embrace it. Persecution is an indication that we are "on the right track," since the enemy is always opposing the work of Christ.  Last week, after professing their faith, our confirmation students were asked this question: "Do you intend to continue steadfast in this confession ... and to suffer all, even death, rather than fall away from it?" Recognizing that Christ is the creator and sustainer of your very life, and that He holds your eternity in His hands ... How would 
    answer that question?