Feb 21, 2021
Part 1: I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.
Series: The Creed
The Creed, Part 1: I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth. What do we believe? The foundation of the Christian faith begins with the One who created it all — almighty God and loving Father.
  • Feb 21, 2021Part 1: I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.
    Feb 21, 2021
    Part 1: I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.
    Series: The Creed
    The Creed, Part 1: I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth. What do we believe? The foundation of the Christian faith begins with the One who created it all — almighty God and loving Father.
  • Feb 7, 2021King
    Feb 7, 2021
    Lead Where You Are: King During this pandemic, leadership is needed now more than ever. No matter who you are, someone is looking to you to help them through. Christ’s ministry consisted of three ways He led us – as a prophet (someone who proclaimed God’s Word), as a priest (someone who sacrificed on our behalf), and as a king (someone who rules according to God’s ways). Christ, in turn, gives to us what He has done. When He sacrificed His very life, God vindicated this sacrifice by giving Him the Name that is above every name. His reputation is spotless, which is why countless millions follow Him. What do our reputations look like? Do our reputations show us to be people who live for My Next Step(s): - I will take 1 Cor. 7:17​ to heart—and lead from the POSITION God has me in now. - I will temper whatever leadership I exert with the PERSPECTIVE that Jesus is Lord. - I will lead in a way that PERSUADES others to live out their God-given purpose. - I will allow God to work in me to will and to act in order to fulfill His PURPOSE in me. Visit RedeemerbytheSea.org/Online-Worship for more information.
  • Jan 31, 2021Priest
    Jan 31, 2021
    Lead Where You Are: Priest During this pandemic, leadership is needed now more than ever. No matter who you are, someone is looking to you to help them through. Christ’s ministry consisted of three ways He led us – as a prophet (someone who proclaimed God’s Word), as a priest (someone who sacrificed on our behalf), and as a king (someone who rules according to God’s ways). Christ, in turn, gives to us what He has done. He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to death on a cross. He gave everything. Paul says we are to have this same mindset. Before we can challenge others, we must give to them. What are we willing to sacrifice for the sake of others? My Next Step(s): - I will sacrifice something of privilege that I am able to do, but others aren’t . - I will seek to DO right, rather than be concerned with my own rights. - I will secretly serve for God’s glory, rather than bringing attention to myself. - I will set aside my own desires to help satisfy the desire, or need, of someone else. Visit RedeemerbytheSea.org/Online-Worship for more information!
  • Jan 24, 2021Prophet
    Jan 24, 2021
    Lead Where You Are: Prophet During this pandemic, leadership is needed now more than ever. No matter who you are, someone is looking to you to help them through. Christ’s ministry consisted of three ways He led us – as a prophet (someone who proclaimed God’s Word), as a priest (someone who sacrificed on our behalf), and as a king (someone who rules according to God’s ways). Christ, in turn, gives to us what He has done. He is a prophet who calls us to speak His Word as His witnesses. … It can be tempting to grumble and argue during a time like this. Yet, we are called to hold on to and hold out God’s Word of life to a world that needs it. This is what Paul did for the Philippians and this is what we are called to do for our world. My Next Step(s): - I will seek to reduce my grumbling, complaining and arguing. - I will reflect before I speak, recognizing that sometimes I lead by what I do NOT say. - I will be intentional about what I DO say - such that I hold forth the Word of Life. - I will seek to leave a legacy that brings glory to God on the Day Jesus returns. Visit RedeemerbytheSea.org/Online-Worship for more information. his pandemic, leadership is needed now more than ever. No matter who you are, someone is looking to you to help them through. Christ’s ministry consisted of three ways He led us – as a prophet (someone who proclaimed God’s Word), as a priest (someone who sacrificed on our behalf), and as a king (someone who rules according to God’s ways). Christ, in turn, gives to us what He has done. He is a prophet who calls us to speak His Word as His witnesses. … It can be tempting to grumble and argue during a time like this. Yet, we are called to hold on to and hold out God’s Word of life to a world that needs it. This is what Paul did for the Philippians and this is what we are called to do for our world. My Next Step(s): - I will seek to reduce my grumbling, complaining and arguing. - I will reflect before I speak, recognizing that sometimes I lead by what I do NOT say. - I will be intentional about what I DO say - such that I hold forth the Word of Life. - I will seek to leave a legacy that brings glory to God on the Day Jesus returns. Visit RedeemerbytheSea.org/Online-Worship for more information.
  • Jan 17, 2021Jesus Shows Us the “Great” Life
    Jan 17, 2021
    Jesus Shows Us the “Great” Life
    Series: (All)
    Jesus Shows Us the "Great" Life... - It’s a Life that Humbly Serves All - It’s a Life that Willingly Welcomes All My Next Step(s): - I will ask Jesus to change my understanding of what it means to be “great.” - I will Humbly Serve others — even those that society marginalizes. - I will Willingly Welcome All — seeing that other person as made in God’s image. - I will seek to protect life from the least to the greatest. - I will learn more about Lutherans for Life at www.LutheransForLife.org Visit RedeemerbytheSea.org/Online-Worship for more information.
  • Jan 10, 2021Get Started
    Jan 10, 2021
    Get Started
    Series: (All)
    We can never finish the things we never start. Sometimes, we spend so much time thinking about how to start something that we never actually start it. In this message we look at how Moses had a few excuses when God told him to go back to Egypt and free the Israelites. But for every excuse, God will always be with us and equip us when we step out in faith. Questions: - What do you want the end of your life to look like? - How will you do what you can to get started this week? - What’s something mundane in your everyday life—like Moses’ staff—that you’ll allow God to use mightily this year? - How will you experience Jesus’ presence “with you” this week? Action: - Decide today to “know who you’re with.” Invite the Holy Spirit to embolden you with His presence daily. - Stop worrying about “mile marker 20” - just start with step one and trust God with the journey. Visit RedeemerbytheSea.org/Online-Worship for more information!
  • Dec 24, 2020Always: Christmas Eve Service
    Dec 24, 2020
    Always: Christmas Eve Service
    Series: God With Us
    When is God with us? The Bible echoes over and over that God is with us Always. Join us as we conclude our “God With Us” series with a message of hope given to us as a Baby in a manger. Questions: - How did this message change the way you think about the Christmas story? - Which part of Jesus’ human experience most impacts you? - Jesus went through a lot to be with you. What have you done, or what do you want to do, to make room for Him? - How will you continue to encounter Jesus this week? Action: - Read Matthew 28:19-20 - How will you respond to His command this next year? Visit RedeemerbytheSea.org/Online-Worship for more information! Video clips from "The Bible" Mini-series. CVLI #504298638. Visit https://www.history.com/shows/the-bible for more information.
  • Dec 20, 2020In the Storm
    Dec 20, 2020
    In the Storm
    Series: God With Us
    You’re not alone. He’s with you through the pain. He comforts you in the waiting. When you’re anxious about your future, He gives you courage. As you climb the mountain, He keeps you safe in His arms. In every moment, we have God With Us. Does the struggle in the storms of life make your faith waver? In Week 3 of God With Us, we learn how we can trust God in the middle of the Storm.
      - What’s a major storm you’ve experienced in your life? How has it changed the way you relate to God?
      - Pastor Augie said, “Peace isn’t found in the absence of a storm. Peace is found in the presence of God.” What are some ways you try to find false peace? How will you seek God’s presence instead?
      - Who do you know who is going through a storm? How can you show them God’s love this week?
      - Look for the ways God was with you during a stormy season in your life. Then thank Him for it in prayer and worship this week.
    Visit RedeemerbytheSea.org/Online-Worship.
  • Dec 13, 2020In the Wilderness
    Dec 13, 2020
    In the Wilderness
    Series: God With Us
    In the Wilderness: You’re not alone. He’s with you through the pain. He comforts you in the waiting. When you’re anxious about your future, He gives you courage. As you climb the mountain, He keeps you safe in His arms. In every moment, we have God With Us. Do you ever feel lost In the Wilderness - unsure of how to find God’s presence? In Week 2 of God With Us, we’ll discuss how to seek God when we feel alone. Questions: - How did God communicate to Elijah in 1 Kings 19:3-12? How about you? How can you adjust your life to hear from Him? - Pastor Augie said, “Your deepest need becomes a gift when it drives you to depend on God.” Have you experienced this gift? Action: - Practice waiting on God this week. Each day, ask Him to turn your needs into the gift of depending on Him. Visit RedeemerbytheSea.org/Online-Worship for more information!
  • Dec 6, 2020In The Valley
    Dec 6, 2020
    In The Valley
    Series: God With Us
    In the Valley: You’re not alone. He’s with you through the pain. He comforts you in the waiting. When you’re anxious about your future, He gives you courage. As you climb the mountain, He keeps you safe in His arms. In every moment, we have God With Us. It’s easy to find hope in God on the mountaintop. This week, we will discover how to find hope in God In the Valley also. Questions: - On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you think and live like God is always with you? Explain. - Pastor Augie talked about how we get to know God in the valleys. What have you learned about God in a valley? - God is with you. How can you draw near to Him during this season of your life? Visit RedeemerbytheSea.org/Online-Worship for more information!
  • Nov 22, 2020Scripture Alone
    Nov 22, 2020
    Scripture Alone
    Series: Sola
    When it comes to understanding God, it can be all too tempting to trust ourselves rather than God’s Word. We try to trust our consciences, our culture, or our comprehension. But going beyond God’s Word either allows us to create a God in our own image (Mark 7:1-13) or saddles us with burdens we cannot bear (Matthew 23:4). My Next Step(s): - I will not subtract from the Word of God, or ignore it. - I will not add to the Word of God—rules, regulations, traditions or otherwise. - I will not make God in my image, rather I will conform my life to the Word of God. - I will find a time, place and pattern (tools) to daily experience the Word of God! Visit RedeemerbytheSea.org for more information!
  • Nov 15, 2020Faith Alone
    Nov 15, 2020
    Faith Alone
    Series: Sola
    Faith Alone The way in which we receive God’s grace is through faith. We trust that God wants to forgive and save us. If we seek to work for what God has given, we are saying that God’s work is not enough. Do we trust God’s work so completely that we do not try to add to it or augment it? My Next Step(s): - I will check sources to verify the truth of something before sharing it. - I will not lie or “move the mark” in order to justify myself! - I will not justify my sinfulness by comparing myself to others. God is my standard. - I will examine the Scriptures to “test” what they say about me, and about God. - I will find true peace through Faith Alone in Christ Alone by Grace Alone. Visit RedeemerbytheSea.org/Online-Worship for more information!
  • Nov 8, 2020Grace Alone
    Nov 8, 2020
    Grace Alone
    Series: Sola
    Grace Alone - Grace is when God gives us what we do not deserve. In a culture that works on merit, that can be difficult for us to accept! Yet, even if grace goes against our cultural senses, it is a deep spiritual need – for each and every one of us. My Next Step(s): - I will thank God that I am released from my burden of performance. - I will receive with gratitude God’s underserved and free gift of Grace! - I will not be jealous or otherwise begrudge others of receiving God’s grace. - I will strive to be gracious to those who are indebted to me.
  • Nov 1, 2020Christ Alone
    Nov 1, 2020
    Christ Alone
    Series: Sola
    Christ Alone - It is tempting to exalt ourselves over Christ. John the Baptist, however, knew that things work the way they should only when we decrease and Christ increases. In what ways are you trying to add your boasting to Christ’s work? How does that lessen your hope? My Next Step(s): - I will find my hope and place the confidence of my salvation in Christ alone! - I will point to Jesus by my attitude of humility. - I will point to Jesus by my loving service of others. - I will point to Jesus by speaking of what He has done for me, and His love for us.
  • Oct 25, 2020Cross Alone
    Oct 25, 2020
    Cross Alone
    Series: Sola
    Reformation - Cross Alone Today, we celebrate a moment in time when a man with a message changed the world. In 1517, Martin Luther gave voice to concerns by posting his 95 Theses (against indulgences) on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg on October 31. His intention was to bring to light the fact that the people were being led into false belief in a practice called indulgences. What happened changed the world in profound ways. My Next Step(s): - I will bring my suffering to Jesus—He shares in my suffering. - I will bring my sin to Jesus—He forgives my sin. - I will not fear death—Jesus has conquered death on the cross! - I will find hope in the cross of Christ—for through it I have eternal life.