Mar 15, 2020
What the Soul Needs
Series: Soul Keeping
In order to be healthy, the soul must reach beyond itself to the eternal truths of God’s Word. The Word of God refreshes weary souls and forgives sinful souls.
- Mar 15, 2020What the Soul NeedsMar 15, 2020What the Soul NeedsSeries: Soul KeepingIn order to be healthy, the soul must reach beyond itself to the eternal truths of God’s Word. The Word of God refreshes weary souls and forgives sinful souls.
- Mar 8, 2020The Struggle of the SoulMar 8, 2020The Struggle of the SoulSeries: Soul KeepingEvery person eventually has what St. John of the Cross once described as a “dark night of the soul.” When we are in a dark time in our lives, instead of being led by the emotions of our souls, we need to talk to our souls, and remind ourselves that our ultimate hope rests in God.
- Feb 26, 2020Sharing the Gospel in 7 WordsFeb 26, 2020Sharing the Gospel in 7 WordsSeries: Sharing the Gospel in 7 WordsWhile ashes are a focal point of our worship this evening, we also remember that these forty days of Lent, from ancient times, have been kept as a time of special devotion, self-denial, and humble repentance born of a faithful heart that dwells confidently on God's Word and draws life and hope from it. As such, we as God’s people desire to communicate that Word to others. The Apostle Peter reminds us, “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” – 1 Peter 3:15
- Feb 23, 2020Follow MeFeb 23, 2020Follow MeSeries: Love DoesLove ultimately calls for commitment. This is why couples speak vows at their weddings. This is why parents make promises to their children. To love Jesus, we must commit to following Him, even as Jesus has committed to dying for us.
- Feb 16, 2020Be Not AfraidFeb 16, 2020Be Not AfraidSeries: Love DoesJohn writes, “Perfect love drives out fear” (1 John 4:18). Stephen was a man so convinced of God’s love for him in Christ that he was willing to face even martyrdom because he knew his eternity was secure.
- Feb 9, 2020Audacious Love
- Feb 2, 2020Free to FailFeb 2, 2020Free to FailSeries: Love Does
When you love someone, it can be difficult to watch them make foolish choices. And yet, sometimes love lets others learn from their mistakes because love wants to encourage people to take responsibility for their own actions. Jesus lets His disciples make mistakes not so He can condemn them, but so that He can grow them.
- Jan 19, 2020I’m With YouJan 19, 2020I’m With YouSeries: Love DoesA big part of love is simply being present with someone. This is why God promises His people, over and over again, “I will be with you.” And yet, God is with us in a special and specific way – through His Son, Jesus Christ. It is only through Jesus that we can safely encounter God. This is what Jacob discovered as he wrestled with God one night.
- Jan 12, 2020What’s Next? Dream AgainJan 12, 2020What’s Next? Dream AgainSeries: What's Next?Have you ever felt like something's missing? Are you longing for a clearer sense of purpose in your life? You were created for significance, not just survival. Today we will dig into Scripture and recognize where in our lives we've become spiritually passive and may not be using our gifts to their full potential. We will learn to recognize we are made for significance, and that God gives each of us the vision to pursue the purpose He has us. Together, let's figure out What’s Next?
- Jan 5, 2020What’s Next? Take the Next StepJan 5, 2020What’s Next? Take the Next StepSeries: What's Next?Have you ever felt like something's missing? Are you longing for a clearer sense of purpose in your life? You were created for significance, not just survival. Today we will dig into Scripture and recognize where in our lives we've become spiritually passive and may not be using our gifts to their full potential. We will learn to recognize we are made for significance, and that God gives each of us the vision to pursue the purpose He has us. Together, let's figure out What’s Next?
- Dec 29, 2019In The Dark Streets ShinethDec 29, 2019In The Dark Streets ShinethSeries: (All)We all have dark places – places of shame – in our lives that deplete us and burden us. Christ came to shine His light on the darkest places of our hearts – not to shame us, but to save us.
- Dec 25, 2019Christmas Light – When Christ Shines His Light
- Dec 24, 2019Christmas Light – When Christ Lightens Your HeartDec 24, 2019Christmas Light – When Christ Lightens Your HeartSeries: Christmas LightJesus was born in a manger because there was no room in any of Bethlehem’s guest rooms. Our hearts are meant to be God’s home. But sometimes are hearts are so cluttered and heavy, we have no room for God to enter in! When Christ enters our hearts, what burdens our hearts can be removed.
- Dec 22, 2019Christmas Light – When Your Travel is TaxingDec 22, 2019Christmas Light – When Your Travel is TaxingSeries: Christmas LightThe holidays are the busiest travel days of the year. People visit relatives from all over. The first Christmas too began with a trip as Mary and Joseph traveled to the Bethlehem to be registered in a census. But this is nothing compared to the distance the Son of God traveled to be with us on the first Christmas.
- Dec 8, 2019Christmas Light – When Your Debt is DeepDec 8, 2019Christmas Light – When Your Debt is DeepSeries: Christmas LightWhen Mary hears that she will be the mother of the promised Messiah, she bursts into song. In her song, she sings specifically about the special place God has in His heart toward those who are poor and lowly. In a Christmas that is marked by consumerism, how might poverty and humility reflect and reveal God’s glory?